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Water Butts Start Action Flowing

Friends of the Shakespeare Line

The recently formed Friends of the Shakespeare Line group that’s been formed to look after and support station adopters between Stratford upon Avon and Birmingham moved forward another step this week with their plans to transform the line and emirate more usage contributing to the local economy after Covid-19.

Ian Taylor, Stratford upon Avon Line Manager for West Midlands Railway and Fraser Pithie, Secretary of SLPG and who leads the Friends of the Shakespeare Line adopters group takes delivery of some of the water butts provided by Severn Trent on Tuesday 24 November 2020
Ian Taylor and Fraser Pithie take delivery of some of the donated water butts

Pictured: Ian Taylor, Stratford upon Avon Line Manager for West Midlands Railway and Fraser Pithie, who is Treasurer of the Friends of the Shakespeare Line (FoSL) group take delivery of some of the water butts provided by Severn Trent on Tuesday 24 November 2020.

In a fantastic goodwill gesture towards the local community and its customers Severn Trent Water donated twelve 200 litre water butts for stations along the Stratford-Birmingham line that do not have a mains water supply. The water butts will provide the means for station adopters to use rainwater to water plants and shrubs.

The Friends organisation, set up to support station adopters along the whole route, is really pleased with the water company’s support. Fraser Pithie, Treasurer of FoSL, and who until retirement ten years ago, was Severn Trent’s Senior Operations Manager said “We are overwhelmed by the fantastic support and community engagement by Severn Trent in providing these water butts that provide a sound environmental and sustainable basis to enable station adopters to look after their stations and garden”.

“Over the next couple of months from Stratford upon Avon all the way to Small Heath and Birmingham our station adopters will be busy on plans and preparation for 2021 and what promises to be a transformation of our railway line and train service”. Fraser added.



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